Videos Show Malfunctioning Saudi Patriot Missile Fired To Intercept Houthi SRBM Hitting Capital City Riyadh Instead

David Cenciotti
2 Min Read

It looks like two Saudi Patriots failed tonight…

Saudi Patriot PAC-2 SAM battery in Riyadh fired MIM-104C Surface to Air Missiles at a Burkan 2-H SRBM (Short Range Ballistic Missile) in the night between Mar 25 and 26, 2018.

The SRBM was reportedly intercepted by one of the SAMs (at least 7 according to journalist Babak Taghvaee were launched) but at least two of them failed: one hit a resindential area (at the time of writing the number of casualties/fatalities is unknown), whereas another one exploded mid-air shortly after launch.

Videos of the two malfunctioning MIM-104Cs are emerging on Twitter.

Here’s the first one:

From another angle:

Here’s the second one:

H/T @M3t4_tr0n and @jetcitystar for the heads up

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