Tag: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Urban Counter-Insurgency Airstrikes On ISIS Targets In The Philippines Suited to Legacy OV-10 Bronco

Philippine OV-10 Broncos Attack ISIL Targets in Marawi. Two OV-10 aircraft were…

Tom Demerly Tom Demerly

U.S. Army Rangers Kill ISIS-K Leader in Combined Air/Ground Raid in Afghanistan.

Army Confirms U.S. Raid in Afghanistan Following MOAB Strike Killed ISIS-K Leader.…

Tom Demerly Tom Demerly

U.S. Air Force Video Shows ISIS Militants Failing To Launch A UAV In Syria

ISIS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle fail as seen from above. ISIS is known…

David Cenciotti David Cenciotti

What has emerged so far about the deadly U.S. Special Operations on Al Qaeda in Yemen

Yemen Raid by U.S. Navy Task Force Blue Yields Intelligence on Terror…

Tom Demerly Tom Demerly

Six Russian Air Force Tu-22 bombers Fly Long Range Strike Against ISIS From Russia

Tu-22 Bombers Fly From Russia with Syrian-Based Fighter Escort to Hit ISIS…

Tom Demerly Tom Demerly