Tag: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25

The Daring Defection of The Secret Soviet Super Fighter

The West Thought the MiG-25 Was a Deadly, Agile Superfighter. What They…

Tom Demerly Tom Demerly

Well Before The SR-72 Was Conceived, The Iconic SR-71 Blackbird Proved “Speed Is The Real Stealth”

The SR-71 Blackbird was so fast it outran every missile shoot against…

David Cenciotti David Cenciotti

New Search For Avro Arrow Flight Models Lost 60 Years Ago in Lake Ontario Has Begun

Scale Model Flight Test Prototypes Sunk in Lake May Provide Clues to…

Tom Demerly Tom Demerly

The Story Of The Soviet Pilot Who Defected To Japan With A Secretive MiG-25 Foxbat

OTD in 1976, Viktor Belenko, "stole" a MiG-25 and landed in Japan.…

Jacek Siminski Jacek Siminski

The unknown story of the reconnaissance aircraft that Israeli F-4s were never able to intercept

When Israel acquired the F-4E in 1969, the Israeli Air Force (IAF)…

Dario Leone Dario Leone

Russia is working to modernize its strategic aviation to maintain a deterrence capability

Russian Strategic Aviation modernization programs involve Tu-160 and Tu-95 bombers. According to…

Jacek Siminski Jacek Siminski