Tag: Schiebel Camcopter S-100

This tiny Camcopter will help OSCE monitoring the shaky ceasefire in Ukraine

Schiebel Camcopter used by OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine made its…

David Cenciotti David Cenciotti

The Italian Navy is testing a tiny Camcopter drone from its amphibious warfare ship

The Italian Navy is testing the Schiebel Camcopter S-100 Unmanned Aerial System…

David Cenciotti David Cenciotti

Why has Washington acknowledged loss of unknown drone in Somalia but has not admitted Predator crash in Turkey?

As already explained, on May 29 Pentagon acknowledged the loss of a…

David Cenciotti David Cenciotti

Pentagon confirms drone crash in Somalia. But it doesn’t say it was an Austrian made PSYOPs-capable Camcopter

On May 27 a drone flying a routine surveillance mission along the…

David Cenciotti David Cenciotti